coconut oil

Coconut Oil

What’s the deal with Coconut Oil??

I get asked these questions a lot – What’s the hype with coconut oil?
Isn’t it a saturated fat? Aren’t they supposed to be bad?
So why does everyone keep saying coconut oil is healthy?

Good questions!!!

You’re right – saturated fats have been touted as the enemy for many years now – and although some of them are not healthy for you, it is now thought that trans fats are a much bigger problem (especially when it comes to inflammation, ageing and heart disease) and that some saturated fats are not so bad after all.

The fat in coconut oil has a special structure that makes it different to other saturated fats – it is what they call a medium chain fatty acid (or medium chain triglyceride) – this is different to the long chain fatty acids found in most animal products. This difference in structure means the fats behave differently when digested and absorbed by the body. It is thought that the fats in coconuts are easier for the body to burn for energy, brain function and muscle function than fats from other sources, and may even help with insulin resistance.

Different foods get centre stage at some time. One year it’s spirulina, the next it’s goji berries. And now it is Coconut oil, milk and water, but it doesn’t mean it’s the be-all and end-all. I love coconut oil because it just happens to be really versatile in raw food recipes, it makes smoothies taste creamier, and it helps to with some recipes to set (example muesli slice, protein balls). But I like variety so I also use butter, flaxseed, olive oil, macadamia oil in lots of meals. One thing to always remember – is most oils should not be heated – like olive oil, whereas coconut oil can be.

In conclusion – variety, moderation and balance (I know I am very repetitive).

Include healthy oils in your diet, including coconut oil. Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best way to make sure you’re getting everything you need.

Here are just three of the many benefits of Coconut Oil..

1. It helps control weight.

The good news is that Researchers have discovered that coconut oil is easy to digest and also protects the body from insulin resistance.
One reason Coconut oil is recommended for weight loss is based on it making you feel fuller for longer, thus not reaching for starchy foods to satisfy hunger, it also stems sugar cravings.
Another reason is it boosts metabolism.

2. It aids in digestion

If you are suffering from uncomfortable bloating or irritable bowel syndrome, coconut oil helps ease the symptoms. Fatty acids in coconut oil contain anti-microbial properties, which have a soothing effect on bacteria, candida, or parasites that cause poor digestion.

3. It helps to reduce wrinkles

Coconut Oil is incredibly hydrating. As well as adding it to your food you can also lather it on your face before bed to smooth out wrinkles and allow your skin to glow! It is also great for hair care.