

GINGER – Zingiber Officinale

Useful in cases of nausea (including in pregnancy and travel sickness). It also calms the tummy.

A natural anti-inflammatory useful for pain relief, especially for arthritis.

In times of the common cold it is used to help with fevers, as an expectorant and metabolic stimulant.

For those suffering cold hands or feet ginger is fantastic for peripheral circulation.

Ginger can be taken in the diet as a fresh herb, dispensed as a tincture or used as a dried herb.

Used fresh and grated it is also used as a poultice.


It is heating, so good for use in colder months.


As you know ginger is a rhizome.  As such it can be sliced (leaving skin on) and placed in a mug then pour boiling water over to steep.  Dried Ginger root is also available and handy when the fresh is not available.

*remember with all herbal teas it is best to cover cup with a dome shaped lid during the steeping time to capture all those volatile oil.