hormones and weight gain

Hormones and Weight Gain

“Insulin shunts sugar to fat. Insulin makes fat. More insulin, more fat. Period.”

Dr Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology

There are well defined biological mechanisms that can explain how the foods we eat disrupt the function our our
hormones, which makes us eat more and gain weight.

We need to differentiate between the hormones -sex hormones from digestive and what drives weight – they all do!

Hormone BalanceHormones

Our stage in life plus our stress levels drive our hormones, along with what we eat and how our bodies deal with the foods we choose.

So how do we know where our levels are? And what can we do about it?

We can have our hormone levels tested – including our stress hormones along with sex hormones.


– Choices – Self Control – Balance –

Choosing to eat clean.
Choosing to eat in moderation.
Choosing to eat a balance of our macro-nutrients.

For some of us we need to re-balance our hormones first and then continue on a new, fresh dietary approach.

For others it is simply letting go of an addiction like sugar.

One basic misunderstanding in the spotlight at the moment
= SUGAR (Fructose being the culprit)

Fructose is now hailed as the ‘baddy’ when not in the presence of fibre
(like when eaten as fruit).
Fructose has the same damaging effects on cells and liver as alcohol does,
but without the buzz.
Sucrose is fructose and glucose combined, but that they are instantly
separated once consumed.
So overall we can just say avoid fructose unless it comes from a whole food, and also minimise sucrose.

But it is more than fructose that can send our hormones off course.

Stress is a huge factor and thus our adrenal health which leads to thyroid function….more on that next posting