
Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds – more than birdfeed.

What is a “functional food?” It is a food that provide benefit beyond basic nutrition. And guess what – sunflower seeds are a functional food.

Phytosterols help lower cholesterol along with other health benefits, like supporting prostate health.  Along with pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds are the richest sources of phytosterols.

Apart from this they also have antioxidant s selenium and vitamin E.  With only ¼ cup serve providing 40% of the vitamin E and 30% of the selenium of the RDI.

What else? Protein, fibre, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron plus manganese, copper and zinc.

Betaine helps lower homocysteine which is a risk factor for heart disease and guess what – sunflower seeds contain it. Arginine is an amino acid that is said to protect the inner lining of arterial walls, making them more pliable and less susceptible to atherogenesis as well as making nitric oxide which helps relax constricted blood vessels and ease blood flow.

Tip: Eat the seed not the oil!

Recipe – take a look at my seeded crackers.

You can also use as a substitute for pine nuts when making pesto, toast and sprinkle on salad, blend to make a seed paste….

Flaxseed Crackers