
Apple Cider Vinegar

Most of you have probably heard about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), however, did you know that it has been used for many hundreds, if not thousands of years.  In fact, Hippocrates (the father of medicine) used ACV in around 400 B.C. for its health giving qualities.

Some of its reported benefits include:

  •     Improve digestion and improve constipation
  •     Is a digestive enzyme – allows better nutrient absorption
  •     Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections
  •     Strengthen the immune system
  •     Increase stamina
  •     Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
  •     Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
  •     Balance high cholesterol
  •     Improve skin conditions such as acne
  •     Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
  •     Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
  •     Fight allergies in both humans and animals

    My favourite Use:

Digestion. Due to its acidic properties, if taken before meals or used as a salad dressing ACV alleviates many peoples indigestion, also as a digestive enzyme, it improves nutrient absorption whilst at the same time it helps balance your pH.

     What Type is Best?

When purchasing ACV, always ensure that the product has sediment floating around in it; this ensures that it has not been distilled or treated, which removes many of the beneficial nutrients form it. If it is clear it has little to or no benefits.

These are just a few of the many claimed benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

When dealing with an illness, you should always consult your health care professional.