
Detox or Cleanse Part 2

SO HOW do you DETOX?

Do you have to fast?

Do you have to stop coffee, wine, bread, cheese, breathing….

Well it really depends on your current health status and your goals.

If you have symptoms from the long list on previous post it may point you in a direction of what you need to support the most – ie kidneys, liver etc.

If you have been through a really stressful period and making poor choices on nutrition and lifestyle – processed foods, alcohol, long hours… then you may need a longer, more gentle approach to start with.

In simple terms supporting our detox pathways you need to

  1. Rest  your organs from the onslaught of toxins by removing aggravants like alcohol, sugar, stress
  2. Stimulate your liver to help it drive toxins from your body
  3. Promote elimination through your intestines, kidneys and skin
  4. Improve circulation of blood
  5. Refuel your body with nutrients

So how does happen?

  1. Increase fibre
  2. Use supportive medicinal herbs – tea or tincture
  3. Vitamin C to support glutathione production
  4. Increase water intake
  5. Deep breathing
  6. Decrease stress and increase positivity
  7. Stimulate your whole body with hot shower followed by cold rinse
  8. Infra-red sauna
  9. Dry-skin brushing
  10. Stimulate your lymphatics with movement – massage, rebounder, skipping, yoga

A lot of people try to detox at home without support and succeed, however, a lot of people need that tailored approach and support.

Wanting a deeper cleanse?

If you need more information or specific inquiries feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.