Tired and fatigued

Energy and Fatigue

Energy  – What is it exactly?
How do I get more of it?

We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep and rest. Fatigue is when the tiredness is often overwhelming and isn’t relieved by sleep and rest.

Many cases of tiredness are due to stress, not enough sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors. 

Energy is used for:

All parts of the body (muscles, brain, heart, and liver) need energy to work. This energy comes from the food we eat. Our bodies digest the food we eat by mixing it with fluids (acids and enzymes) in the stomach.

The human body uses three types of molecules to yield the necessary energy to drive ATP synthesis: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Mitochondria are the main site for ATP synthesis in mammals and are known as the ‘powerhouse’ of our cells.

Our bodies need this energy to do everything from moving to thinking to growing. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of metabolism. Thousands of metabolic reactions happen at the same time — all regulated by the body — to keep our cells healthy and working.

Things to consider:

  1. Low iron or B12 levels
  2. Thyroid issues
  3. Anxiety
  4. Gut health issues
  5. Side effects of medication
  6. Sleep quality and quantity
  7. Balancing blood sugar levels
  8. Stress management
  9. Balance of activity and rest
  10. Overindulgence in heavy foods (carb coma)
  11. Relying on stimulants
  12. Dehydration

What goes in AND out

It is just as important to think about what goes in as well as what goes out. So your quality of fuel and fuel expenditure are equally important.

Car Service

Think about your car. If you use quality fuel, have it services and don’t let it overheat – it will fun smoothly. However, if you use cheap fuel and don’t have the filters cleaned, fresh oil etc it will be sluggish.


So what are you putting into your body?
And what are you doing to keep yourself on an even keel?