Sore throat

Sore Throat?

12 natural sore throat remedies.

1.   Salt Water Gargle

The salt helps reduce swelling by pulling water out of your throat tissue. It may also help kill unwanted microbes in your throat. It may also help draw infections or irritants to the surface of your throat, where your body is better able to deal with them.

Combine 1 cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt and stir to dissolve. Gargle with a mouthful of this mixture for 30 seconds, once per hour.

2.   Honey – Medicinal

In addition to helping fight infection and providing pain relief, honey can undeniably make remedies taste better.  Raw honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help to treat respiratory conditions like sore throat. It can naturally soothe the throat and ease swelling. Other raw honey benefits include its ability to reduce mucus secretion and coughs, which can be associated with a sore throat.

Honey may be especially effective when combined with warm water and apple cider vinegar or herbs.

3.   Clear your nose

If part of the reason you’re breathing through your mouth is because your nose is clogged, try nasal wash with saline or a Neti Pot.

neti pot

4.   Teas – Herbal

Ginger root tea – antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that may help relieve throat pain.

Chamomile tea – Chamomile tea is believed to promote restful sleep, which is important for healing. May help fight infection and reduce pain.

Peppermint tea – contains anti-inflammatory compounds and is extremely soothing to the throat. The mint may also slightly numb your throat, thereby relieving pain.

Thyme – Thyme essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cough remedy. Fresh thyme can be used as a tea. Alleviates coughing and soothes throat.

Sage – Fresh or dried sage makes an aromatic tea, which we’ve found to be quite soothing to sore throats.

Licorice root – Licorice has properties similar to aspirin that may help reduce sore throat pain.

Turmeric – is the trendy supplement for a reason. It is anti-inflammatory and may help relieve your sore throat.

5.   Throat spray

Steep dried herbs in boiling water and then add to clean spirit

Place in small spray bottle and spray into throat every two hours or as needed.

Sage + Echinacea or Thyme

6.   ACV

Apple cider vinegar helps fight bacteria.  You can combine with honey in warm water.

7.   Medicinal Herbs

Echinacea – powerful immune system stimulator that can provide significant therapeutic value.   Echinacea has antiviral properties and can help your body fight off infections that lead to a sore throat.

Marshmallow root – Its root contains a gelatinous substance called mucilage, which coats and soothes the throat.

Licorice Root – benefits a sore throat or cough immensely because it is a powerful expectorant, helping to loosen and expel mucus from the throat. It soothes irritation and reduces inflammation of the tonsils, making licorice root an effective sore throat home remedy.

8.   Hot lemon drink

Recipe found on eBook.

9.   Fluids

Increase fluids

  • When your throat hurts, the last thing you may feel like doing is drinking a lot of fluids. However, it’s important to keep your throat’s mucous membranes hydrated so they can heal.
  • Drink tea, herbal infusions, water or other beverages at whatever temperature feels most comfortable.
  • Proper hydration is the key to flushing out the virus or bacteria from your system and keeping your throat hydrated.

10.  Moisturise your air

Dry air can irritate a sore throat, prolonging your recovery time. Take a steamy shower or plug in your humidifier to help relieve the pain.


11.  Lozenges

Zinc – antiviral effects. Prevention is best and zinc certainly helps there. Supplementing once you already feel sick can speed up the healing process, especially when it’s taken at the first sign of illness. As zinc works on contact as well having it in a lozenge allows direct contact.

Propolis – has proven antibiotic and antiseptic properties and may also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

12.   Change your toothbrush

Believe it or not, your toothbrush may be perpetuating—or even causing—your sore throat. Bacteria collect on the bristles, and any injury to the gums during brushing injects these germs into your system. As soon as you start feeling ill, throw away your toothbrush.

Toothbrush germs